Arts & Life
Talk nerdy to me: why you need a Nintendo Switch

Talk nerdy to me: why you need a Nintendo Switch

  By Larissa Nothof Photo Courtesy The Verge The Nintendo Switch is very powerful for its small size. It has all the strong features that Nintendo is known for and more. If you are a fan of any of the Nintendo exclusives, this console is a must-have. Plus, there are...

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Two Captain Marvels

Two Captain Marvels

  BY: Hunter Murray Photo Courtesy Screen Rant We are currently in between two Captain Marvel movies. Many of you probably know that Marvel’s latest film, Captain Marvel, hit theatres two weeks ago while DC Comics’ very own Captain Marvel movie, Shazam, hits...

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Hidden treasures worldwide

Hidden treasures worldwide

By: Elijah O'Donnell Photo By: Sydney Nimmons As another Edmonton winter thaws, many gems hidden by the snow are uncovering themselves in the form of geocaches. For anyone who does not know, a geocache is just real life buried treasure. They are usually little boxes...

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The almighty One Card

The almighty One Card

By: Emma Morrison Photo Courtesy: NAIT Finding something interesting and fun to do in the city is hard to do on a student budget. However, there are way more free and discounted events/activities than you might have thought. Flash that NAIT One card and get ready to...

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Local streamers unite

Local streamers unite

By: Emma Morrison Photo Courtesy: Edmonton Twitch Streaming has become a huge phenomenon. The twitch community is one of positivity and love for one another. Supporting each other by hosting, donating, raiding, or even just simply commenting can really go along way....

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Pitcher Perfect: The Best YEG Sports Bars

Pitcher Perfect: The Best YEG Sports Bars

Going to a game can be expensive – especially once you factor in food and drinks on top of your tickets. With the nice weather in the summer, it’s the perfect opportunity to get out on the town and check out some of Edmonton’s sports bars.

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Tech addiction is costing us

Tech addiction is costing us

By Nicole Murphy If you have a drive and hunger for success there is one thing that you can do that will give you a major advantage. Deal with your technology addiction. The cigarettes of the future, these devices in your pocket and the social media apps on them were...

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