Every week you bring out your recycling bin for collectors to take it away, but have you ever wondered what exactly happens to that waste? Does it really get recycled? Or is it just a scam? According to Environment and Climate Change Canada, every year over 3...
Keep your dogs safe this summer with these tips
Dog parks are a great place for dogs to play, stretch their legs and enjoy the sunshine. But there are also potential risks when socializing with other dogs. From fights, illness or even overheating, the best dog parents should prepare for anything before heading to...
Try these home remedies when you’re feeling under the weather
Not feeling 100 per cent, or maybe, a little under the weather? These all-natural home remedies may help you get back on your feet faster and back to focusing on your education. 1. Detox Bath A detox bath is a bath with ingredients added such as Epsom salt and...
6 foods to eat for better school performance
You are what you eat, and without good food and nutrients our brain is not able to function properly. If you want to keep your mind in great shape, here are six of the best foods you can eat. 1. Leafy Greens Leafy greens are an excellent source of brain powering...
How sleep and mental health are connected
We have all had those days. We go to bed early with the best intention of getting a good night’s sleep, but it just doesn’t happen. We lie down to be met with anxiety, worries, tossing and turning, rapid heartbeat and a nervous feeling in our chest. There’s...
How to remain positive during the winter
With the days getting shorter and the temperatures dropping, everything can start to seem like you’re looking at the world through a pair of dark coloured lenses — gloomy and depressing. Growing up in Edmonton, I certainly start to feel the winter blues every time...
7 types of rest to help students avoid burnout
The semester is halfway over, and some of us are already feeling fatigued and weary from mountains of homework and late-night study sessions. But don’t panic! As proposed and researched by internal medicine physician, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, there are seven types of...
7 scientifically proven ways to reduce anxiety (and ace finals)
With our world becoming faster and larger by the day, it’s inevitable to feel anxious at times. And these days, paying a psychologist for help can be very expensive. Thankfully, there are various techniques to alleviate anxiety that are free. Give some of these a shot...
Boosting your back-to-school confidence
It’s a new school year, and for many new and returning students, this might be the first time you’re heading to campus for classes. If you are worried about in-person school or re-entering public life, here are some tips to help you boost your back-to-campus...
How dog owners can recognize and prevent certain skin cancers
Much like humans who can develop cancer after a good bake in the sun, dogs can contract UV skin cancers. NAIT instructor Dr. Christina Osborne advises how to practice sun safety in dogs and when a lump should raise flags in pet owners. As Dr. Osborne emphasizes,...