Arts Editorial
Does teamwork really make the dream work?

Does teamwork really make the dream work?

People often use the quote, “teamwork makes the dream work” to explain that working together can result in better outcomes than working alone. Who knew that words so encouraging could be so misleading? If you’ve taken a business class at NAIT, you’ve probably had to...

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Raise your hand if you want better grades

Raise your hand if you want better grades

Classroom participation does not come naturally to everyone. While students with strong public speaking skills often find it easy to engage in class discussions, others may find it scary. But making class participation mandatory for grades can enhance the learning...

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Ups and downs of the winter semester

Ups and downs of the winter semester

Canadian winters, particularly in Edmonton, may appear mesmerizing in social media photos, but they are tough for immigrants from hot, temperate climates. Like myself, many students begin their semesters in the winter and may find it difficult to adapt to this chilly...

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