Arts & Life
Perfectly orchestrated screams

Perfectly orchestrated screams

If you feel that you are brave you are not. Deadmonton 2018 has arrived, it will invoke your deepest fears, even the most daring individuals cannot make it through while remaining calm. Until Nov. 4, those who enter Deadmonton will see a post-apocalyptic world, where...

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Edmonton’s one-man wonder

Edmonton’s one-man wonder

Ram Hoss is a one man wonder coming out of Edmonton. Starting his solo project in 2012, he does all of it, from writing and producing his music to performing it. After a long time running he has finally earned is own record label Homespun Discos. This has been a busy...

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Doing what he loves best

A new eatery has opened up on 118 Avenue, near 92 Street. Siu To has opened his long awaited restaurant called Green Onion Cake Man. To had a long career in the food industry before retiring and now people are excited that he has come out of retirement because he is...

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A garage for all costumes

A garage for all costumes

With Halloween just around the corner, the season of the big box pop-up costume store is upon us once again. But just because this is the holiday of the undead, doesn’t mean you have to settle for a costume that’s soulless. If you’re planning to dress up for the big...

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A night with the stars

A night with the stars

Gazing at a city of stars can offer you an escape from the busy city life. Unfortunately, Emma Stone, from La La Land will not be joining you on this adventure. But the Gazing at the Stars tour can offer parents and their little ones unforgettable moments to share....

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One helluva fine film

One helluva fine film

Azmodeus’s job is hell. Literally. It’s the obvious joke to make about Necessary Evil, the feature-length version of a film project – written, directed by, and starring Randy Brososky – that began life as a web series on Telus’s online Storyhive platform and saw its...

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Boxing, as a form of therapy

Boxing, as a form of therapy

“You know, if you exercised more you wouldn’t be as depressed.” The infamous words that every person loves to hear. I’ve spent most of my life avoiding those words, but people love to give their opinion on your situation, even when it is desperately not wanted. Never...

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Communicate for better sex

Men no need to stress, for once. This may not have anything to do with you. Putting the blame on ourselves isn’t something us women commonly like to do, but when it comes to the research we can’t necessarily turn this one around on you. In this day and age women are...

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City’s freebie day upcoming

City’s freebie day upcoming

Leave your wallet at home and remember to enjoy Free Admission Day. Many of Edmonton’s popular attractions and recreation centres will be free to the public. This annual event is hosted by the City of Edmonton and this year it will happen from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on...

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Conquering the classics

Conquering the classics

This four man army emerging out of Spruce Grove is knocking the city to their knees. The New Conquest is a rock and blues inspired cover band, doing everyone’s favourites from songs like The Ocean by Led Zeppelin to Blood // Water by Grandson. The band initially...

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