Arts & Life
2-player board games for date night

2-player board games for date night

It’s February, and love is in the air. The combination of Valentine’s Day and the chilly weather creates a perfect combination for cozy board game nights. These board games for two can make for an enjoyable date night, whether you want to cooperate or compete with...

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8 Edmonton facts you probably didn’t know

8 Edmonton facts you probably didn’t know

A recent thread in the subreddit R/Edmonton saw Edmontonians discussing some of the unique facts about the city of champions. We didn’t know most of them, so we did some digging, verified our sources and picked the 10 most interesting to share.

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Best nap spots on campus

Best nap spots on campus

Did you know that taking small breaks throughout the day, like napping, is essential for balancing mental health? A 2016 study found cognitive benefits from brief naps of 30 to 90 minutes, suggesting that people may wake up more alert and attentive after these...

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A tale of 3 posters

A tale of 3 posters

Mysterious posters around the CAT building have been appearing, but who is putting them up? There are three types of unauthorized posters appearing: one leads to a roleplaying group, one to a mysterious Google form and the other to a vendor peddler gig. Swords and...

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Meet six companies in Edmonton owned by NAIT grads

Meet six companies in Edmonton owned by NAIT grads

You probably know at least one of the places listed below, but you probably don’t know who runs them – until now! These are just a few of the NAIT-owned businesses Edmonton has to offer.  #1 - Analog Brewing (8620 53 Avenue) via IG @analog_brewing What is it: Two...

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