Results for "academic"
Executive Council nominations open

Executive Council nominations open

Each year NAIT students vote in a new group of student executives to fight for their wants and needs. The students that are voted in make up the Executive Council, a group of student leaders that work to represent the student body in committees and government, and...

Former NAIT Soccer Coach Returns To The Pitch

Former NAIT Soccer Coach Returns To The Pitch

Nine years after he departed from the men’s soccer team at NAIT, Jeff Paulus is back once again. This time, he is the head of the women’s soccer team. For Paulus, it’s like a breath of fresh air to be back on the pitch coaching collegiate soccer.  “I love it,”...

The ABCs of Fall 2021

The ABCs of Fall 2021

Tanya Spencer Lead Student Counselling and Chaplaincy Hello everyone and welcome back. We’ve been busy getting the place ready for you – so glad you could join us. I’m excited to relay a few tidbits that might come in handy and brag about our burgeoning readiness for...

Nimbus mobile app simplifies tutoring process

Nimbus mobile app simplifies tutoring process

The tutoring app Nimbus has been implemented for use by NAIT, and NAIT Students' Association (NAITSA) and is making the process of tutoring more attractive to students. Alessandra Medeiros, the Service Hub Coordinator for NAITSA, hopes the new program will alleviate...

NAIT VP reflects on full year of online learning

NAIT VP reflects on full year of online learning

After a full year of online schooling, NAIT’s Vice President Academic and Provost reflects on the 2020-21 year. Sue Fitzsimmons believes the first year of online learning went well and believes NAIT students adjusted quickly. “Given the challenges that I think...

NAIT Tutoring App Helps Students With Upcoming Finals

NAIT Tutoring App Helps Students With Upcoming Finals

Since the beginning of the fall 2020-21 term, many students have been learning remotely. One of the challenges faced is learning from a screen, which can cause burnout. NAIT has teamed up with Nimbus to provide learning tools and tutoring services to help students....

Four new trade diploma programs added at NAIT

Four new trade diploma programs added at NAIT

NAIT launches four new school of skilled trades diploma programs. The new diploma programs will be for plumbing, welding, automotive service, and electrical installations technology. The programs will help students get a direct path to their trade and employment, said...