Two takes on the weekend

Two takes on the weekend

The NAIT gymnasium played host to a display of defence on Friday. The Ooks women’s basketball team faced off in the first of two games on Feb. 2. The Ooks hosted the Lakeland Rustlers at home and displayed more than acceptable defence. From the jump, the Ooks began...

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Sex and Sports – a debate

Sex and Sports – a debate

It’s the age-old question, can having sex mess with your ability to perform in sports? This idea has been discussed for decades, and there are a few questions that fuel the debate. Can having sex before a competition slow you down? Will you have less stamina? What...

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Dating apps have a place

Dating apps have a place

Most people who use dating apps have a bunch of horror stories, but they’re not that bad. Some people use apps such as Tinder and Bumble strictly for sex and this use has ruined the perception of dating apps. This isn’t the only reason to use these apps. I know you...

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The power of mentorship

The power of mentorship

When you start out as a rookie, playing time can vary, often being hard to come by. Megan LeBlanc, a first-year forward on the NAIT Ooks women’s hockey team, started the season as a regular player. “First year of college, a lot of us are straight out of high school....

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Ferret legging – my passion

Ferret legging – my passion

Stamina, durability, focus and drive with a will to succeed, all traits of a top-end athlete. But the Tom Bradys, Lebron James and Connor McDavids of the world pale in comparison to these mysterious, virtually unknown competitors. Of course, I am talking about...

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I will bandwagon!

I will bandwagon!

Sports fans make sports not fun. The fandom surrounding sports can be related to a group of elitists. Much like music snobs who judge every music choice mostly based on them believing they’re more of a fan, the superior fan. Sports fans will throw out verbal jabs...

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