Arts & Life
A film tribute to Semenko

A film tribute to Semenko

On Tuesday, Sept. 12 the Rec Room in South Common played host to a screening of the acclaimed documentary Ice Guardians. While the film paid tribute to many of hockey’s great enforcers, this event was held in honour of one particular player – the late Dave Semenko. As...

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Nest Fest 2017 a blast

Nest Fest 2017 a blast

If you have been paying attention around campus for the last few weeks, you will know that Nest Fest happened last Friday night. The event ran for 12 hours and finished on a high note with an incredible performance from Tim Hicks. Whether you like motocross, comedy or...

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4K: Behind the pixels

What Is 4K? You may have heard the term before, but if you haven’t it’s pretty simple: 4K literally means 4,000, which comes from the approximately 4,000 pixels across 4K footage. 4K has a pixel count four times the current resolution you’re likely familiar with, Full...

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Nest Fest leads the rest

Nest Fest leads the rest

Nest Fest is back with a punch! This year’s one-day Nest Fest will have live music performances with names like Tim Hicks, Royal Tusk, the Boom Booms and the Be Easys, emceed by Randy and Mr. Lahey of The Trailer Park Boys. Throughout the night, there will also be...

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Test-taking strategies

Test-taking strategies

Be prepared. This, of course, is the most important strategy for exam success. ● While studying test yourself on an ongoing basis to make sure you really know and understand the material. Just reading and re-reading is the least effective way to learn. The Strategies...

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Simple but delicious

Simple but delicious

During my first semester at NAIT, one of the many interesting classes I got to take was the study of soups and vegetables! I got really excited because that was one of the things I felt passionate about but also something I could learn more about as a young chef....

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Life’s natural progression

Life’s natural progression

Bon Iver – the name strikes a chord in the hearts of fans whenever they hear it. The name a variant on the French phrase “Bon Hiver” which means “Good Winter.” This perfectly sums up the feeling of finding hope in the middle of a cold winter that this band gives off ....

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Biz student is a music man

Biz student is a music man

According to, a centrifuge is “an apparatus that rotates at high speed and … separates substances of different densities … ” This week, the word ‘centrifuge’ gains a new meaning. Centrifuge is the first full-length electronic instrumental album of Danny...

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Meditation is a useful tool

Meditation is a useful tool

It’s that time of the semester when heavily weighted labs are due, midterms are worth 30 per cent of your final grade and group projects are being done with individuals who take a free ride while you do all the work. Stress and anxiety are all too familiar and you’re...

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Rogers Place nice, not wow

Rogers Place nice, not wow

This past weekend, my family and I went to the Edmonton Oiler’s last preseason game, played in the brand new Rogers Place. In the third period, with just 2:34 left on the clock, Vancouver’s Markus Granlund broke the tie, bringing the score to 3-2 for the Canucks. It...

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