Arts & Life
Tarotscopes with Scream Queen B

Tarotscopes with Scream Queen B

Welcome to the Roaring 20’s! Although this new decade is packed with promise, we’ve been through uncomfortable territory, getting very clear on what - or who - is no longer welcome in our future. This reading will bring you clarity on your personal transition, what...

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Why Resolutions Fail (And How to Keep Them)

Why Resolutions Fail (And How to Keep Them)

By Scott Zielsdorf Why do all these New Year’s resolutions end so prematurely? With Jan. 17 being “Ditch Your Resolutions” Day, most are left wondering why it’s so difficult to keep up that overpriced gym membership. Everyone starts the journey with such motivation...

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Are You an Attached Partner?

Are You an Attached Partner?

By ALYCIA CHUNG Notice yourself engaging in the same unhealthy patterns in relationships and don’t know why? Maybe you fall hard and fast but then get terrified that your partner might leave. Or, you like the “thrill of the chase” but then feel smothered and trapped...

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Taboo Talk: Surviving MDMA

Taboo Talk: Surviving MDMA

By David Madawo I rubbed my feet over the lump under my living room apartment, I knew that bottle cap was still under there but rubbing it grounded me before I took my next step. Ten dollars for this boring looking dirt stuffed into a capsule, promising me euphoria...

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Edmonton’s Psychedelic Rock Cephalopods

Edmonton’s Psychedelic Rock Cephalopods

By Orrin Farries A face-melting drive en route to Tasty Jamsville, Edmonton’s own psychedelic rock outfit “Squids” will take your ears for a cruise. The Squids formed in 2016 as a project re-imagination by a group of longstanding friends formerly known as Campus...

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Y2K: 20 Years Later

Y2K: 20 Years Later

By Karlie Mickanuik Two decades ago, computer programmers had a theory that when the 21st century begun, the world would be in grave danger. However, 20 years later, the event appeared to barely be a problem at all. There are countless theories surrounding Y2K, an...

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Tarotscopes with Scream Queen B

Tarotscopes with Scream Queen B

With vulnerability being the general theme of the month, we also have six major arcana cards! That means this month will contain major shifts for many of you. Hold on to your seats folks, things are going to get moving quick! SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)...

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Social Anxiety: Break the Cycle

Social Anxiety: Break the Cycle

By Loretta Della Mora Frequently, I meet with students who struggle with every day interactions. They report becoming immobilized with anxiety, fear, self-consciousness and embarrassment. A fear of being judged or of looking foolish is inevitably accompanied by harsh,...

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