It is a brand new school year and starting at a new campus can be a bit intimidating. Luckily, NAIT has over a hundred clubs to help you make some friends and have some fun.
There are two types of clubs at NAIT. Interest clubs are hobby based and cater to a wide range of interests, such as anime, table tennis and Super Smash Brothers. Interest clubs are open to all students.
Program clubs are based on programs at NAIT. These are clubs like Civil Engineering Technology or the Dental Assistants Club. In program clubs you have to be part of the program to join up. They’re also a great way to help introduce you to students in other semesters in your desired industry.
Clubs usually meet up in afternoons and evenings and happen throughout the week. The Muslim Student Association meets up once a week on Friday for prayer. The Dungeons and Dragons Club is every Wednesday and Friday. Every club holds events and many of them volunteer and fundraise.
Erick Estrada is the current president of the International Students Club, which is one of the longest running clubs at NAIT. This interest club started in 2002 with the mission to help international students adjust to life in Canada. Over the last 15 years and after many graduating students, it continues to grow and has over 350 members. Erick says that when he started, he “thought that it would be amazing to go to all the parties know everyone and make lots of friends.” He also says that it is a lot of work, since the group volunteers and holds over 80 events over the year. Last year the International Club made almost $6000 in support for a community in Somalia.
Erick is now part of NAITSA’s Campus Activity Board. On this board he works with the NAITSA Campus Club Centre and gets help plan school events such as Nest Fest. The Campus Club Centre located in room E125 and is run by three people who help every single club. One of those people is Rose Martin Baumgartner, who is the Campus Clubs Manager. She says that they help clubs get grants, permits and assist with fundraising.
The way that you join a club is to go to, sign in with your NAIT username and password and update your profile. Then check over the hundred clubs to see if any pique your interest. If you do not see any clubs you can make your own with three quick steps.
1) Find three members with similar interests.
2) Register a new organization
3) Go out and have fun
With interests like music to baking, investments to LGBTQ+ issues it is not hard to find a club to join. They help bring students together with shared interests and make the campus a community. So make sure you check them out as NAITSA’s clubs are sure to help make your semesters a whole lot of fun.
– Steven Smith