College Students Watch Porn as a Distraction

College Students Watch Porn as a Distraction

By Chris Avery According to psychologists, the number one reason college students use porn is for a distraction. The next most common reason students watch porn is for education on sexual intercourse, and for stress relief. In a peer-reviewed study about user...

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Misconceptions of the Sex Trade Industry

Misconceptions of the Sex Trade Industry

By Shawna Bannerman Even as one of the top sex workers in Canada, providing services to high-profile and well-known businessmen from around the country, Sara Hannah* did not feel empowered. “The whole time that I sold sex...I always carried a bit of shame because I...

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The Nest named Best Campus Bar 5th year in a row

The Nest named Best Campus Bar 5th year in a row

The Nest has been an accredited Best Bar None venue for 6 years and have been named Best Campus Bar for the 5th year in a row. The establishment has also won the People’s Choice Award for 2 straight years. Michelle Dirksen, manager, and her staff (above) accepted the...

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International Students Adjust to Life at NAIT

International Students Adjust to Life at NAIT

By Sara Gouda There are 1,900 international students at NAIT from 88 different countries. There are some challenges such as socializing, dealing with homesickness, language proficiency and finding residence. Russian student Ekaterina Mekshenkova transferred from...

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Benefit From Affordable Pet Care

Benefit From Affordable Pet Care

By Natalie Sarzynski Your cat’s been making weird yelping noises in the middle of the night. You quickly realize that unless you want to fill your neighbour’s house with miniature versions of the plant-gobbling mouse murderer, you’re going to need to check him into a...

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Delay in Automated Doors on Campus

Delay in Automated Doors on Campus

By Madison Gummow Some automated doors on NAIT’s campus have a delay in opening – sometimes they do not work at all. Michelle Patterson-Nipp is a first year Baking & Pastry Arts student who uses the doors by Ernest’s when coming and going to school. In her program...

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NAITSA Seeks Staff and Student Feedback

NAITSA Seeks Staff and Student Feedback

By Nicole Murphy The NAIT Students’ Association (NAITSA) has launched an online form that lets anyone on campus give anonymous feedback on how budget cuts are being put into effect. The form is called Sourcing Our Solutions (S.O.S) and has three sections. Green is for...

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