Alleah Boisvert
Ook Droppings: Podcasts to get your sh*t together

Ook Droppings: Podcasts to get your sh*t together

Life Kit This podcast by NPR touches base on all those extra things in life that we aren’t necessarily taught in school, whether it’s giving the perfect toast, car maintenance, using less plastic or overcoming FOMO. Let’s be honest – being human isn’t always easy....

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Rennick’s red flags: How to avoid NFT scams

Rennick’s red flags: How to avoid NFT scams

By Alleah Boisvert For someone just learning about NFTs (non-fungible tokens), it may be exciting to invest in one right away. NFTs can bring opportunities to collectors, but they have also opened a whole new can of worms in the world of scammers. James Rennick, an...

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