Ups and downs of the winter semester

by | Jan 14, 2025 | Opinion

Canadian winters, particularly in Edmonton, may appear mesmerizing in social media photos, but they are tough for immigrants from hot, temperate climates. Like myself, many students begin their semesters in the winter and may find it difficult to adapt to this chilly environment. 

My favourite part of the winter term is when it begins because in my experience, there is a rush of diverse students in the winter semester. Having friends from different backgrounds can help  students understand each other’s cultures and make good connections, which may result in new Canadian students feeling less lonely as they start the new semester. 

Additionally, starting your term in the winter gives you a break after your first semester. If you decide not to take spring and summer classes, a summer break gives you more time to adjust to the new student lifestyle. And if you’re an international student, jumping right into a summer break may be helpful in adjusting to a lifestyle in a new country and city.  

On the other hand, students may become unwell during the severe winter months and miss classes. Most students use public transportation, which can be challenging during the winter months. Bus delays are typically caused by severe snowfall, which forces people to stand in freezing temperatures at bus stops making it difficult to arrive at school on time. Also, if students are not careful enough, the slippery walkways might occasionally cause them to fall and cause injury. 

To wrap up, even though the winters may be severe for newcomers, they will eventually become used to this climate. For me, the winter semester is preferable since it allows me to meet more varied friends and take a break as soon as the semester is over.

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