Shop at NAIT raises money for NAITSA Food Centre for 9 years in a row

by | Sep 9, 2024 | News

Students heading into shop at NAIT before September 13 will notice a photo wall of cans—an art display marking the progress for the store’s 9th annual #NAITcandonate fundraiser for the NAITSA Emergency Food Centre. Shoppers can donate to support students facing food insecurity. 

Bridget McLean, Customer Experience Manager at shop at NAIT, explained that the first fundraiser came out of the desire to do raise money towards something internal. “We were like, ‘how can we do something that’s more within the community, rather than external? It’s great to do something outside of NAIT, but how can we do something different?” 

McLean and her colleague chose the NAITSA Food Center after learning that many NAIT students struggle with food insecurity. The team has come up with creative ways to market the fundraiser, including a visual wall of cans in the style of artist Andy Warhol. 

“It’s just engaging the staff into it and really making them passionate about it, which was probably a very big key to success because they have to have fun with it, otherwise they’re not going to buy in,” said Vanessa Richard, an Administrative Assistant at shop at NAIT. 

The fundraiser runs in both Fall and Winter semesters to target both intakes. All funds donated go straight to the NAITSA Food Centre, and McLean said that so far this year people have been very generous. “Our cashiers are asking, ‘Would you like to donate a dollar or more?’ to keep it easy. Most people have done like five, 10, or 15 dollars already.”     

McLean attributes the continued to success to the rise in food prices and the relatability that comes with struggling to afford food.

shop at NAIT staff member adds a new can to the display wall after a customer made a donation. Photo by Amy St. Amand

“I think everyone at some point has either known someone who’s been food poor, or has been food poor themselves … There’s a lot of students who when they get these food hampers, it’s not just for them and their partner, it’s for their children.”

“Nobody wants to imagine a child who’s not eating,” she explained.

The fundraiser runs until Friday, September 13. Students can donate in person at shop at NAIT or online.

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