Results for "academic"
Test-taking strategies

Test-taking strategies

Be prepared. This, of course, is the most important strategy for exam success. ● While studying test yourself on an ongoing basis to make sure you really know and understand the material. Just reading and re-reading is the least effective way to learn. The Strategies...

CAT Microwaves a work in progress

CAT Microwaves a work in progress

It’s time once again for one of everyone’s favourite topics: Microwaves. Specifically, microwaves in the new CAT Building, which is now almost bursting at the seams with students. These students all need lunch, which many need to heat up during their short breaks. The...

NAITSA Prez steps down

NAITSA Prez steps down

“This is one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make in my entire life. It did not come easy and it was not spur of the moment,” said Allannah Wrobel, holding back tears. Last week she announced that she would be stepping down from her role as NAITSA president...

U-Pass talks underway

U-Pass talks underway

School fees are a necessary part of life for students. The amount for post-secondary varies by program and institute. One fee that is nearly inescapable for most post-secondary students is the Universal Transit Pass or U-Pass. Often that acronym brings about an...

For mature students

For mature students

Adult students who have been out of school for a few years usually do very well when returning to school, however you do have a different set of challenges to face. Here are some pointers. Pace yourself ● Dedicate regular blocks of time throughout the week to...

Making the transition

Making the transition

The NAIT Nugget hasn’t lost me quite yet! I have returned for another short stint as Issues Editor with our editorial staff to grow the Nugget team this year. Yet it’s quite strange coming back after assuming I had written my last editorial in April. This year will be...

Participate at NAIT!

Participate at NAIT!

You have your outfit picked out, your tuition is paid and your backpack is packed. It’s time to start your college adventure. Whether you are fresh out of high school or this is just your first NAIT experience, there may be a few things you have yet to learn about our...

Adjusting to life at NAIT

Adjusting to life at NAIT

Starting your education at NAIT is a major life change. It may be your first educational experience away from familiar faces, the first time you have attended school in years or it may be your first experience living away from home for an extended period of time....

An exercise in marketing

An exercise in marketing

Who knew there was value in beans? NAIT Culinary instructor Maynard Kolskog did when he approached the NAIT Business program’s Capstone program with his idea last year. Kolskog wanted to create a gluten-free bean product for people living with celiac disease. The...