The NAITSA executives are elected every year by the students of NAIT, and they exist to represent students’ best interests in numerous areas. From meeting with NAIT administration to lobbying the government, or connecting with other student leaders and planning campus events, the executive council plays an important role in student life. Get to know your 2022/23 executive council a bit better below.

Kaedee Fythe, President
Hello everyone! I am Kaedee Fythe with she/her pronouns. Pronounce it “K.D. Faith” and that would make it easier for you to shout at me in the hallways on campus!
Guess what? I’m a student, too. I drank through a firehose of information in my first month at NAIT too! I’ve been with NAITSA for three years now. Tutor-turned-senator, I became a student representative at NAIT Board of Governors, and then now, a part-time student while working full time as NAITSA President. So, what do I do for you as a NAIT student? Just think about these three things: Spokesperson. Strategist. Student Representative. There’s a lot of work behind those three main responsibilities that include accountability that the NAITSA fees that students pay are being rolled out for student needs, values, and experiences. You get so many perks when you are a NAIT student.
I’m currently in my fourth year doing my BBA in finance and human resource management and I still need two to three years to finish my program.
I write original songs if I’m in the zone with my guitar or jam with my violin when I need to feel classical and fine. I love to hike and swim in the summer, read books at a coffee shop and hang out with friends to catch up about life.
Shameless plug, if you need a boost of energy, come by and jump a few times with my mini trampoline in my office. It’s proven to be fun and healthy!
Fave study snack: Nuts! Like any kind of nuts.
Best study music: Chillhop Essentials Summer 2022 or sometimes Beach Club Techno (anything without lyrics so I can hear myself silently reading the study material).

Tyleen Saison, VP Internal
Hi there! My name is Tyleen Saison, and I am absolutely thrilled to be representing you this year as your NAITSA VP Internal.
A little about me, I am currently studying in the visual communications stream of the DMIT program. Outside of my studies and role at NAITSA, you’ll find me playing video games, drawing, or working on my next cosplay.
In my role as VPI, I will be helping students navigate concerns, create new student opportunities, and continue to foster campus life. Your experience at NAIT goes beyond the classroom, and we will work together this year to make it one to remember.
Over the summer, I’ve been working with my different teams to plan the fantastic events that you will get to see this coming school year. Make sure to head over to to see all the events we have cooked up. I’ve also been able to work on reinstating NAITSA’s exclusive volunteering team, Ooks Crew, which is now open for applications.
Feel free to reach out; I would love to hear from you about any questions or concerns. You can send an email to or stop by my office. My door is always open, and I can’t wait to get to know you throughout this next year and help you get the most out of your student experience.
Advice for all students: I genuinely believe that a work/school/life balance is so important, and I encourage you to prioritize this throughout your studies! Take the time to do the things you enjoy, participate around campus and make good memories while you are at school.
Best study music: LOFI is absolutely my go-to for study music, but I also like a lot of other instrumental genres as well. I get distracted if I play music that is too upbeat or with words.

Jody Gylander, VP External
Hi all, my name is Jody Gylander. I am a past grad of NAIT’s electrical apprenticeship program and I am currently a mature student in the business management program.
I am incredibly excited to introduce myself as your NAITSA VP External for the upcoming school year. For those who do not know, the role of the VP External is to act as a liaison or spokesperson for students beyond NAIT’s walls.
A few examples of my role as VP External are engagement with outside stakeholders with all three levels of government and lobbying them for your needs as well as engaging with other student association representatives from our fellow post-secondary institutions across the province.
When I am not in class or visiting our satellite campuses, I can be found in my NAITSA office, listening to the latest EDM while I work and study. My door is always open and I am always happy to meet with my fellow students, so please come and say hi! I am so thrilled about this upcoming school year. We have so many events and activities planned over the course of the school year, and it’s going to be amazing to see all the new faces and hear the voices filling our school hallways again!
Best NAIT place to hang:
Arguably the best news for this upcoming year is that the Nest is re-opening its doors, and it is by far the best place on campus to get drinks and snacks and to hang with friends!

Renata Medeiros, VP Academic
My name is Renata S. Medeiros, and I am thrilled to come back as your Vice President Academic for 2022/2023!
I am an international student from Brazil. I graduated from NAIT’s photographic technology program in 2021 and am now pursuing my bachelor’s degree in the BTech program. During my three years at NAIT, I had the chance to volunteer in multiple events and was able to create meaningful connections with peers that I am sure will last for years! And this is a tip for you – If you’re an introvert like me (high five!) and/or are super excited to make the most out of your time at NAIT, participating in the events as a volunteer or attendee is a great opportunity to make friends!
As your VP Academic, I can support you with any academic grievances you may be facing. For example, if you’ve been having an issue with an instructor or a peer, got a grade you believe doesn’t reflect your work, or anything related to your studies that you would like me to know about and advocate for, feel free to contact me to talk about it. If you see me wandering around campus (which happens often), please stop me so we can chat, even if it’s just to look at some cute pet pictures—I have a bunch! I am excited to connect with you all, and I hope you have a fantastic year!
Fave study snack:
Any snack, really. I love to eat, and I’m happiest when I have food within arm’s reach.
Advice for students:
Be involved! If you are not interested in the governance part of NAITSA, make sure to at least go to the events. We have hundreds of them planned for the year, so I’m sure you will find something that interests you!
(Photos via NAITSA)