The NAITSA Senate held their sixth annual meeting of the year on Wednesday Jan. 29. After a vote to move on their consent agenda was passed, the Senate entered their question period.
Questions for the President
Senator Savatteri began the question period by asking about student housing and homelessness resources. He also asked about President Jenna Luczak’s experience working with the Students Association at MacEwan University (SAMU). Luczak shared that working with SAMU has been a wonderful experience and while they continue to work on student housing options with NAIT, the Executive Council (EC) plans to draw inspiration from SAMU’s policy of keeping one to two rooms available for emergencies and students in need.
Continuing on the topic of student housing and homelessness from the President’s report (which is not publically available), Senator Wilson asked Luczak if there are any strategies or anonymous options for students to reach the resources NAITSA has to offer. Luczak explained that as of right now, NAITSA does not offer any direct resources for students facing homelessness. She explained that she is working on some resources and that next week she will meet with the counselors at NAIT to discuss the issue. Senator Garcia asked about Chartwell’s and food diversion, but President Luczak was not able to give a figure on exactly how much food they throw out, though she said she will look into it.
Senator Murillo continued the question period with the important topic of student tuition, asking President Luczak what students can expect to see following her meeting on tuition consultations. Luczak shared that while the institution has proposed a 2 per cent increase to tuition, they continue to push back hard and advocate for students during these times. Senator Murillo asked about NAITSA’s bargaining power. Luczak said that all NAIT is required to do is consult. NAITSA has the option of raising their concerns publicly but would have to consider the optics and future impacts to relationships.
Questions for VP Academic
Senator Savaterri asked about feedback VPA Bruno received regarding a proposed policy on Intellectual Property, but Bruno had not yet heard back from NAIT’s VP Academic Peter LeClaire.
Senator Libunao asked about the Academic Council Bylaw Review. VPA Bruno shared this is a project she has been working on for quite some time now, and after reviewing bylaws against other schools they hope to have a rough draft prepared for their first official meeting.
Questions for VP Internal
Senator Savatteri asked if the EC would consider offering food vouchers as prizes during campus events as a way to encourage participation. VPI Shopland agreed that offering food related prizes could increase attendance, and stated it is something he will look into further. Senator Libunao followed up another suggestion, offering that since Ooks Birthday Bash takes place early in the Winter semester, turning it into a longer event modelled after Nest Fest could again increase attendance. VPI Shopland explained that due to marketing he believes that Ooks Birthday Bash isn’t seen as a “get back to school event” like Nest Fest, but it is a good suggestion nonetheless and will be taken into consideration.
Senator Murillo asked how NAITSA was received at other campuses like Souch, and VPI Shopland said that he feels like the students really appreciate it and the feedback they receive supports that.
Senator Ewanik then brought up ChatGPT, more specifically asking VPI Shopland for an update on the ChatGPT platform he’s been working on the past couple months. Shopland explained that he’s been using a Plus version of the platform, which allows him to create GPTs that are able to analyze and perform tasks without being prompted. He said while it is a work in progress, he is happy so far and expects to continue to see improvements. Senator Ewanik followed up asking Shopland if this is something he expects to finish by the end of the term, to which Shopland agreed that in the final 3 months of his term he should be able to finish this project.
General questions
Senator Garv was the first to speak, asking for clarification as to why the NAITSA discounted Cineplex tickets saw a $4.50 increase. Secretary Mills assured the senate that NAITSA did not increase the price for profit, but it was instead due to supply. The previous $10 ticket price came from a large bulk order placed quite a while ago, and after supplies were depleted NAITSA had to place a new bulk order, as reflected by the price. Mills clarified that this was not an increase, but rather a reprice.
Senator Wilson spoke next, regarding student spaces and safety. Wilson shared students’ concerns surrounding the M parkade crosswalk, as it lacks proper signage or lights to signify the pedestrian crossing. VPI Shopland agreed that this is an important concern, and informed the senate that he will bring this forward to the right channels.
Senator Libunao concluded their general question period by asking Secretary Mills what the expected U-Pass referendum voting format would look like. Mills explained that luckily the ballots are already completed ahead of schedule, and this year the ballot will resemble the voting ballot, with the U-Pass vote directly at the top. She said there will be a video posted regarding general information for the vote, as well as a clear yes or no section on the ballot. The results will be available on Thursday Feb. 13 at 4:45 p.m. at the Nest.
Moving on from their general questions period, the Senate then moved to vote on the motion of granting $225,000 towards bursaries for indigenous students at NAIT. President Luczak took a moment to remind the Senate on why she believes these bursaries are important, as they demonstrate truth and reconciliation at NAIT. Senator Garv moved to approve the motion, which was seconded by Senator Dunphy, then carried and passed. Following their vote, the Senate entered a brief 5 minute meeting.
Following their break, Senator Savaterri moved to approve Jerilyn Kotelniski as the Chief returning officer for the NAITSA U-Pass Referendum in 2025 and the Executive Council Election for the 2025 to 2026 academic year. The motion was voted upon and passed.
After their vote the Senate moved towards the end of their meeting, reminding members their next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5. Following a few agenda items and reminders, the NAITSA senate called their sixth annual meeting to a close at 6:04pm.