Zachary Flynn
Film Review: The Worst Canadian Sports Film

Film Review: The Worst Canadian Sports Film

It’s got to be tough to be a part of a movie where 95 per cent of the cast is being out-performed by a Chimpanzee. Jack the Chimpanzee is the obvious star in the movie MVP: Most Valuable Primate. The movie follows the story of Jack, who escapes from a university once...

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Editorial: Hostel-Living During COVID

Editorial: Hostel-Living During COVID

11 days, 10 nights, 3 towns, 3 hostels, and somewhere between 15-20 roommates in total… it was hard to keep track. The 250,000 steps and 170 km hike were easier numbers to track; my phone took care of that. The mountains seemed like the perfect balance where the...

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