Avery Richards
From the NAITSA Senate: Jan. 29 recap

From the NAITSA Senate: Jan. 29 recap

The NAITSA Senate held their sixth annual meeting of the year on Wednesday Jan. 29.  After a vote to move on their consent agenda was passed, the Senate entered their question period. Questions for the President Senator Savatteri began the question period by asking...

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From the NAITSA Senate: Jan. 15 recap

From the NAITSA Senate: Jan. 15 recap

NAITSA Senate held their fifth annual meeting of the academic year on Wednesday, Jan. 15. The meeting began with a quick review and approval of an agenda in the consent agenda, previously discussed in their fourth meeting. The motion was moved to pass. Overview:...

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From the NAITSA Senate: Dec. 4 recap

From the NAITSA Senate: Dec. 4 recap

NAITSA’s Senate held their fourth meeting of the academic year on Wednesday, Dec. 4. The meeting began with the review of a consent agenda that had been discussed previously but not yet decided upon. After a call for approval, the Senate voted on the motion within the...

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