The NAIT Students’ Association Senate still has two vacant seats. On Monday Oct. 30, a special appointment meeting was held and two of the four open positions were filled. Scott Bowen was appointed to represent Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships and the last position available for Engineering Technologies, Academic Upgrading and Open Studies was acquired by Bernard Omojola. Two days later, on Nov. 1, the two new members joined the rest of the NAITSA Senate.
The NAITSA Senate held its first official meeting on Oct. 18. In addition to formalities, senators addressed the election results and were sworn in. They then decided who should sit on financial and governance committees.
In question period Senator Willow Shelley enquired about a potential reading week for the fall semester. NAITSA VP Academic Brenda Needham stated that there are numerous issues to be considered before a fall break is instituted. One is how NAIT would make up the lost class hours. This might mean fall classes starting in August or having classes continue closer to Christmas. She promised a follow-up as soon as she gathers more information.
Senator Syed Ahmed asked about peer support groups. Calli-Rae Barker, NAITSA VP Student Services, said one of her goals this year is to have/increase peer counselling for students. She said she is currently looking at how other post-secondary schools run their peer groups.
The next Senate meeting is on Nov. 15. If you are a student from Culinary and Hospitality or Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships and have an interest in one of the vacant seats, stop by or call NAITSA at (780) 471-8855. It’s an opportunity to ensure that the voices of your fellow students are heard.
– Steven Smith
Photo by David Bernstein