Taboo sex show: A review

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Arts & Life

The Taboo Everything to do with Sex Show was held in Edmonton in November. For anyone who hasn’t gone before, it’s two delightful days of debauchery discussed by deviants. While all conventions have good and bad, this review highlights the naughty and nice elements to prep you for next year. 

The Nice

Seminars: While I wasn’t able to attend all of them, I heard great ones. all were not attended, I heard great ones. The best one I thought, was “Femdom Basics” by Mizz Honey Temper, who gave an excellent beginner lesson on how to be a dominatrix. But that was just the icing on the cake. The actual substance of her presentation was woman empowerment and the different ways a woman could make herself feel like a goddess. She encourages both women and men to join her website if they would like to know more about BDSM relationships from a caring and kind community

“Sharing is Caring” was  a seminar hosted by Rae Szereszewski and Marisa Swinston, who discussed the vast multitude of polygamous (also called poly) relationships. Those in poly relationships have more than one partner, and as Szereszewski and Swinston explained, some are sexual and some do not have any sexual deeds involved. The seminar was highly educational; it made me realize my knowledge of poly was a lake instead of a puddle.

The vast amount of sex toys: there were so many, almost anything you could think of. There were classic sex toys and modern sex toys. The most interesting toy was a tentacle dildo that you could fit in a purse. In the Dungeon area, a booth allowed you to explore and test out some exciting bondage equipment.   

The entertainment: The event’s main stage was hosted by the drag queen Karla Marx who was as witty as she was gorgeous. There was a wide variety of entertainment for all, from classically trained dancers showing off their spicy foxtrots to the local club dancers doing some nude art paintings on stage.

The Naughty

Food: The show had various food options, but I don’t know where to start with the “doughnut dicks.” I A proper doughnut should be deep-fried, not cooked on a griddle or baked. It was just a phallus-shaped waffle, and that’s a compliment at best. A waffle should have a nice crispy outside with a warm, fluffy inside. The vanilla doughnut that I had did not taste like vanilla at all, it was just covered with a simple icing. It was a flaccid, cold, old piece of pastry with bland icing on it. At least add some pineapple flavouring in the icing to make it taste better. 

Outside Organization: The Taboo show was in one half of the Edmonton expo centre, and the other half was occupied by Disney on Ice. I don’t know why they didn’t do a better job of fencing off the area the show was in.The Expo staff were telling parents they should take their kids outside to get to the parking lot, but many of them decided to ignore it and walk past the black curtain. They unknowingly exposed their kids to sights they should not see at such a young age. I find it hilarious because the parents can only get mad at themselves.

If you wish for sexual education in a friendly environment, visit the show next year.

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