Perfectly orchestrated screams

by | Oct 12, 2018 | Arts & Life, Featured, Uncategorized

If you feel that you are brave you are not. Deadmonton 2018 has arrived, it will invoke your deepest fears, even the most daring individuals cannot make it through while remaining calm.

Until Nov. 4, those who enter Deadmonton will see a post-apocalyptic world, where those who have survived the devastation of rising sea levels must now survive a contagious virus. The infected show extreme rage, violence and cannibalism. The last of the survivors, including yourself, are quarantined in a compound as a last ditch effort to save civilization.

The mastermind behind it all is none other than Ryan Kuzor himself. Kuzor has been repurposing old buildings in order to keep up with the growing demand of Deadmonton’s patrons. He and his team work tirelessly to bring you the most grotesque, detailed and realistic haunted house for thrill seekers to enjoy.

Deadmont o n ’s f o r m e r actor, Grimm Dodhest, warns future victims of Deadmonton by saying, “good luck,” as actors can make the scene or room they occupy so real that patrons cannot continue.

The actors also pride themselves in how many “code yellows” they have caused. The name code yellow can speak itself – scaring someone so badly they wet themselves.

General manager, Kathrine Pech says,

“There are at least three to five code yellows per year.”

Patron have also been seen leaving with a mixture of reactions such as tear streaked faces, panting, sweating and red in the face.

F r o m t h e experience and the devotion of the actors to the realistic detail of the rooms and settings, Deadmonton is worth more than your $25 admission fee. It will always stick in your mind as a chilling night to remember.

If you are feeling more courageous than usual Deadmonton hosts its annual lights out nights from Nov. 1-3. On these nights any visible light will not be present allowing actors to immerse you even further into the creation that is Deadmonton.

The level of production that Ryan Kuzor and his team hold as their standard is more than excellent. They create and reinforce the feelings of your own fears, leaving you with chills shivering down your spine. It’s not an adventure for the faint of heart, but it might just prepare you for the post-apocalyptic world that one day, we could live in.

Deadmonton has moved from their usual location in the Paramount Theatre, to 7031 Gateway Blvd. For full details, and hours of operation, visit

– Emma Morrison

Image courtesy of Emma Morrison

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