Results for "academic"
Time to vote – do it!

Time to vote – do it!

Albertans are at it again. After changing leaders four times in the past five years, the Progressive Conservatives have dropped the election writ a year early and forced Albertans to endure another $28 million round of signs, debates and ballot boxes. While the...

Funding celebrated

Funding celebrated

Last week, NAIT celebrated student success across campus at the second annual scholarships and bursaries celebration. Students from all programs who had received NAIT scholarships and bursaries this academic year were invited to meet with donors and staff to celebrate...

A Proud First!

A Proud First!

A Week to Remember Last week at NAIT we, the students and members of the NAIT community, observed the first ever Pride Week. And by all rights, the week was all about the celebration of the diverse culture we experience here at NAIT. Kristen Flath, Manager of Student...

Meet your incoming NAITSA leaders

Meet your incoming NAITSA leaders

The dust has settled, the posters are being taken down. NAIT students have voted and chosen their new student executives for 2015/2016. These students will be the advocates, the leaders, the movers and the shakers, at the helm of NAITSA starting in May 2015. It would...

Rate your Valentine …

Rate your Valentine …

Valentine’s Day is a time we often get warm, glowing images about love and relationships. It is also a great opportunity to evaluate how happy you are with your relationships, romantic and otherwise. People in healthy relationships are willing to work at the...

Managing stress for success

Managing stress for success

Exams … assignments due … projects … group work … financial concerns … it can all add up to a lot of stress. Stress is your body’s reaction to over-stimulation. A certain amount of stress is normal and necessary but too much can be counterproductive. There are two...

Campaign rule to change?

Campaign rule to change?

Last fall saw a relatively quiet election to select student members of this year’s NAIT Students’ Association Senate. Quiet that is, except for the disqualification of a candidate for breaching NAITSA election bylaws. The candidate was reported campaigning near one of...