Notes from the NAITSA Senate: February 7 recap

by | Feb 9, 2024 | News

The governing body of the students’ association met on February 7 to oversee the work of the Executive Council. Many topics were discussed after VP Academic, External and Internal presented their report to the senators.

The first round of questions were directed at President Saison. Senator Leko asked for extra details about the responses regarding a new multiphase approval process for Mandatory Non-Instructional Fees Saison presented to NAIT’s executives and the Alberta Students’ Executive Council (ASEC) Board. presented to the NAIT executive board and Alberta Student’s Executive Council (ASEC) Board. Although positive, the presentations have been made at lower levels of the executive and board. However Saison hopes to have more feedback after the next general meeting in March, which is the date for the next presentation. 

Senator Seme asked about the approval process, timeline and progress for the new Learning Management System, Brightspace Hub. VP Academic Marina Bruno mentioned that the LMS passed multiple approval processes at different institutional levels. Now the LMS is being tested by students in the business program. Bruno foresees the new LMS to be fully implemented in September 2025.

VP External Jenna Luczak was in charge of explaining the decisions involved in maintaining membership status at ASEC. Luczak was confident that the new executive director ASEC will greatly improve the management of the organization, thus the decision to stay. In addition, senators enquired about the mechanism involved in the decisions to suspend the Photography Technology program. Although NAITSA does not have major stakes in the decision-making process, President Saison assured that students, industry and instructors are working to keep the program running. 

VP internal Travis Luscombe communicated the success of his decision to reduce the number of events during discovery days. Finally, the last subject matter related to the consideration brought forward by Senator Singh about permitting non-credit academic students to access student services like insurance, bus pass, etc. There was not definite answer, but the consideration was up for debate. 

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