My NAIT adventure: A symphony of colours and community

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Arts & Life

My first semester at NAIT was a kaleidoscope of experiences, a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of community, academic growth and personal discovery. Stepping out of my tropical comfort zone into Edmonton’s snowy embrace, I initially felt like a lone bird amidst a flock of wintery strangers. But NAIT’s warm wings of student services quickly enveloped me, transforming my experience into a colorful symphony of belonging.

The campus gym was my personal sanctuary, a haven of fitness and camaraderie. Barbell express and self-defense, both fitness classes provided by NAIT Athletics and Recreation, pumped me up with energy and instilled me with confidence. Even the unexpected Beyoncé soundtrack during my late-night solo workouts added a touch of sparkle to my routine–a delightful surprise that made me feel connected to something bigger than myself.

Volunteering opportunities organized by NAITSA and NAIT were rich opportunities  that helped give meaning to my life by offering help to others who could not reward me for it. It felt so amazing and satisfying. Participating in NAITSA Volunteer events like the Norwood Capital Care Games Afternoon and Blood Drive for Canadian Blood Services painted my world with shades of compassion and fulfillment. Connecting with the elderly and contributing to life-saving efforts brought a profound sense of purpose to my student journey.

When academic challenges loomed, NAITSA’s Peer Support service was my guiding star. Intervarsity At NAIT, a constellation of faith-based discussions and friendships, illuminated my path with warmth and understanding. And the Ten Thousand Coffees program, a career services gem, connected me with two incredibly successful mentors, whose wisdom and support have become my compass through the career landscape search.

My advice to future NAIT students is to embrace the vibrant symphony of colors and community that awaits you. Explore the diverse range of student services, immerse yourself in campus activities and connect with fellow students who share your passions. By painting your NAIT experience with your own unique hues, who knows, you might create a masterpiece of personal and academic growth that will last a lifetime.

Cover photo via NAITSA

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