NAIT has raised over $11,000 in its 2017 Movember campaign to support programs in Canada dedicated to preventing and spreading awareness about prostate cancer, testicular cancer as well as mental health and suicide awareness. A Movember wrap-up event was held in the CAT Building on Nov. 30 to celebrate the campaign.
David Sawchuk, a Radio and Television instructor, has been a major leader of the campus campaign for the past three years. Sawchuk said the dedication of staff and students at NAIT this year has significantly impacted the campaign.
“Things have really progressed in the past two or three years. This year specifically we had a really big commitment from both academic and non-academic staff to bring the movement to a number of different facets of NAIT,” said Sawchuk.
As a result, four teams, which totalled over 30 staff and students, were able to raise $8,000 more than last year.
“The strides have been massive between this year and last year,” said Sawchuk.
Movember began with a kick-off week, and each preceding week was spearheaded by departments on campus in an attempt to extend the campaign to more staff and students. Various programs, such as the Paramedic students, the Denturist Technology students and the Medical Lab Tech staff and students also got involved. In addition, Shop at NAIT sold Movember T-shirts and donated a portion of each sale to Movember Canada.
“The cherry on top, the absolute ribbon on this little package is being endorsed by our president, Glenn Feltham,” Sawchuk said.
The campaign was extremely well received by staff and students and Sawchuk hopes to continue the legacy in future years.
“Hopefully there can be some heritage or we can build some culture that moves forward … but I think we’re in a better position now than we have ever been.”
– Shawna Bannerman, Assistant Editor
– Photo by Christine Bannerman