Finding a balanced life

by | Dec 3, 2018 | Uncategorized

By: Alberto Villoga

A balanced lifestyle is hard for any student to manage, but when you’re on a sports team as well, it gets so much tougher. With hobbies, friends, and homework it can be quite overwhelming. With sports they add in weekly practices, workouts and then games on the weekend. This is exactly what NAIT Ooks women’s hockey goalie, Kaitlyn Slator, already goes through.

Even after training, it’s still dif cult for student-athletes to nd time for their mind and bodies to recover. However, a proper sleep schedule and using time wisely, whether a student-athlete or not, can make a balanced lifestyle achievable.

Slator’s daily routine starts with classes during the day, followed

by a workout session before practice. After practice, she finally heads home to eat and rest. She uses her free time at school, breaks between classes and lunch hour to do her homework.

Before every game, Slator and her captain have a handshake and then she goes on to juggle a couple of lacrosse balls. Since she was seven years old she has been juggling between hockey, school, a social life and cooking healthy meals. Yet even for her, it is still dif cult.

Goal setting and prioritizing is a great way to improve your scheduling ability, manage interruptions and deal with procrastination. Having a balanced lifestyle is hard to achieve with busy and complicated lives, but gaining time-management skills can make life a little easier.

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