By Elijah O’Donnell
The results are in for one Edmonton election you may have not heard about.
Both Tuna the dog and Addie the cat have been elected as the new co-presidents of the Mill Creek Ravine off-leash dog park.
That’s right, in case you haven’t heard, the park held an election after the first campaign poster went up as a joke. The poster was for a senior dog named Lenart whose owner turned campaign manager says he put the poster together out of boredom. It featured a picture of Lenart and a few of his campaign promises, such as universal basic treats and a 20 per cent increase in belly rubs.
Soon after, more posters began to appear on the dog parks community bulletin board. By the end of the polling, 21 pets were in the running.
Polling closed May 14 and with more than 3000 votes. The results ended in a tie.
Tuna the dog, who holds a Ph.D. in being a good boy, ran on a platform of inclusivity. Promising to create a first of its kind stick registration system, ensuring no dog will ever lose their stick again. He also plans to lift the restriction on mud puddles, citing every dog’s right to get dirty, and a reduction on the time owners can chat with each other as it cuts into doggy playtime.
Addie the cat stands as a more controversial candidate, never having set foot in the park before her inauguration ceremony. Her platform was summed up on her poster in two simple words: “DOGS SUCK.” Addie’s owner/campaign manager later clarified the platform and claims that she had never actually been to the park she was campaigning to run.
As it stands, Addie believes the park is not a welcome place for cats. She isn’t a fan of dogs off-leash anywhere but this is a change that can be looked at over the coming term. Making changes to the off-leash rules could create a more inclusive space for cats, but whether legislation can be changed remains to be seen.
As more candidates began to join the race, an online polling page was set up to track and tally votes along with a patron where people could donate. The donations would be sent to an Edmonton based animal charity of the winners choosing.
Tuna and Addie have since chosen the Edmonton Humane Society to receive the charity donation.
To donate or to see the election results, plus a comprehensive breakdown of polling statistics, including vote percentages and voter turnout, click here.