By Elijah O’Donnell
Entertainment Editor
Living room
A good place to start, the living room offers many great advantages. Ample space, interesting decor and a flood of natural light from the double wide sliding glass windows. The only reason it loses points is the uncomfortability of the wood floors.

Photo by Karlie Mickanuik
The kitchen floor is middling. Close to snacks, but with cold hard tile. Nice lighting, but cramped at three feet wide. Hits different at 3 a.m.

Photo by Karlie Mickanuik
Yuck. Who would want to lay on the bathroom floor? Cramped with gross yellow lighting reflecting off of the shiny tiled floor. The only time you’d be laying in the bathroom is in the shower after a particularly bad day or if you slipped getting out of said shower.

Photo by Karlie Mickanuik
The same wood laminate as the living room without any of the advantages. No natural light, cramped space for laying and no decor save for a single wavy mirror on the wall. A poor choice for any would-be layer.

Photo by Karlie Mickanuik
The bedroom has no downsides in my opinion. The biggest advantage is surely the carpeted floor; soft and forgiving. With that come vibey lighting, lots of curious items around the room to look at and, of course, a real bed to lay in if you somehow tire of the floor.

Photo by Karlie Mickanuik
Like the kitchen, this offers a cold hard tile that is much less forgiving than the wood laminate of the living room. One must worry about pebbles and dirt tracked in on shoes, the smell of shoes themselves and a hit from the swinging door. +1 for the large mirror.

Photo by Karlie Mickanuik
Not much is worse than cold, hard concrete. Maybe it was just thanks to the time of year but even the mediocre view of north Edmonton couldn’t make up for laying in snow on concrete. The eighth story winds didn’t help either.

Photo by Karlie Mickanuik
Roomate’s Bedroom
Fortunately, this is the second and only other room with carpets. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming amounts of laundry, schoolwork and other unassorted knick knacks I could not find a patch of floor large enough to to lay on.