
Reach the NAIT demographic
The Nugget News is the easiest way to reach the NAIT demographic, as well as staff members. We offer a wide range of opportunities and are flexible about working with you on a mutually-beneficial advertising strategy. All our advertising is handled by CU Advertising.
For all inquiries, please use our contact form or contact
About NAIT
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in Edmonton, offers certificates, diplomas and applied degrees in such fields as business, industry, health sciences, engineering and architecture, IT, hospitality and outdoor programs such as landscaping and forestry. Additionally, NAIT is a leader in apprenticeship training, offering 35 apprenticeship programs in the skilled trades. We have a unique and diverse landscape that brings in young students freshly starting, to students that have already begun their career path and have access to disposable income.
Advertising Rates
NAIT has a unique and diverse landscape, including apprenticeship programs that bring in students that have already begun their career path and have access to disposable income. It serves around 30,000 students a year. The Nugget News is the easiest way to reach the NAIT demographic, as well as staff members. We offer a wide range of opportunities and are flexible about working with you on a mutually-beneficial advertising strategy.
Website Advertising
Premium sidebar and box combo
Includes: Main Page + Article page
Cost per 2 weeks: $600
Premium Sidebar Dimensions: 300 w x 600 h pixels
Box Dimensions: 250 w x 250 h pixels
Premium sidebar
Location: Right sidebar of the main page
Cost per 2 weeks: $400
Premium Sidebar Dimensions: 300 w x 600 h pixels
Location: Box ad located on the right sidebar of every article page
Cost per 2 weeks: $250
Box Dimensions: 250 w x 250 h pixels
Location: Long horizontal bar located at the bottom of every article page
Cost per 2 weeks: $250
Leaderboard Dimensions: 728 w x 90 h pixels
Location: Paid sponsored article placement (one full article, with images welcome)
Cost: $1495.00 full article noted as paid editorial. An article can be up to 10,000 characters.
Note: To maintain the quality and integrity of our media, the AdEditorials will require a consultation with our media operations manager before going forward, after which the article will be written by student editors.
Print Advertising
Black and White
All final images must be provided in PDF or JPG format. Colours must be in CMYK mode with minimum 300 dpi. Please ensure your ad is the correct size; we do not resize ads, and if submitted with an incorrect size, your ad will be sent back for resizing and may be cancelled.
Full Page (H: 32.7 cm x 24 cm)
1-3 issues: $675 per issue 4-9 issues: $640 per issue 10-13 Issues $610 per issue
Half page (H: 16.335 cm x W: 24 cm)
1-3 issues: $400 per issue 4-9 issues: $380 per issue 10-13 issues: $360 per issue
Quarter page (H: 16.35 cm x W: 12 cm)
1-3 issues: $275 per issue 4-9 issues: $255 per issue 10-13 issues: $240 per issue
Eighth page (H: 16.35 cm x W: 6 cm)
1-3 issues: $225 per issue 4-9 issues: $215 per issue 10-13 issues: $205 per issue
Sixteenth page (H: 8.175 cm x W: 6cm)
1-3 issues: $125 per issue 4-9 issues: $115 per issue 10-3 issues: $110 per issue
Banner Ad (H: 5 cm x W: 24 cm)
1-3 issues: $250 per issue 4-9 issues: $240 per issue 10-13 issues: $230 per issue
Full Color Charge: $250
Premium Placement
Outside Back Cover *includes colour* (H: 32.7 cm x 24 cm)
1-3 issues: $1100 per issue 4-9 issues $995 per issue 10-13 issues $895 per issue
Front Cover Banner *includes colour* (H: 5 cm x W: 24 cm)
1-3 issues: $450 per issue 4-9 issues: $435 per issue 10-13 issues: $400 per issue
The Nugget also offers sponsored social media content. Please inquire for packages.
2024/25 Publication Schedule
Fall 2024
Ad deadline: Aug 12
Publication: Aug 21
Ad deadline: Sep 9
Publication: Sep 18
Ad deadline: Sep 30
Publication: Oct 11
Ad deadline: Nov 4
Publication: Nov 13
Ad deadline: Nov 25
Publication: Dec 4
Winter 2025
Ad deadline: Jan 6
Publication: Jan 15
Ad deadline: Jan 27
Publication: Feb 5
Ad deadline: Mar 3
Publication: Mar 12
Ad deadline: Apr 14
Publication: Apr 23