Fostering Campus Culture

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Arts & Life, Uncategorized

By Stephanie Swensrude

Monica Herrera is a member of the NAITSA-run Campus Activities Board (CAB), which oversees events at NAIT that are meant to foster campus life.

The board is made up of five subcommittees: events, volunteering, marketing, clubs, and clubs marketing.

“We are all in charge of doing different types of events just so that we can provide a wholesome campus life for students,” said Herrera.

The board aims to provide events that will interest a wide range of students.

“We run gaming tournaments, but we also do pop up gaming. We do health and fitness, we do beer yoga, puppy yoga, we’re doing a ball hockey tournament,” said Herrera.

The board aims to help students understand the importance of volunteering and giving back to the community.

“[The volunteer coordinator] brings nonprofit companies from outside. They do a pop-up booth and it lets people figure out where they can volunteer,” said Herrera.

Clubs at NAIT are also run through the CAB. The club subcommittee assists clubs with the logistics of planning workshops and networking events.

The club marketing subcommittee, closely related to the clubs committee, provides marketing assistance to clubs.

The marketing subcommittee is in charge of promoting NAITSA events around campus.
Herrera said she is proud to have a direct impact on campus life.

“We try to get people to not just come to school to study,” said Herrera. “It allows people who have the same interests to come together.”

“It’s a very fun job,” said Herrera. “It makes you feel like you’re making a change in the school.”

Herrera also owes some of her learning at NAIT to her time being part of the CAB.
“Organization skills are very important,” said Herrera. “Now I can multi-task much better, and also people skills, I get to talk to a lot of people during events, which makes it comfortable speaking to new people.”

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