With vulnerability being the general theme of the month, we also have six major arcana cards! That means this month will contain major shifts for many of you. Hold on to your seats folks, things are going to get moving quick!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
The Devil
Where are you bound to someone beyond reason? How do you undermine yourself and your power through negative thoughts, patterns and behaviours? The Devil speaks to the illusion of enslavement, so what is holding you back? How have you willingly given your power away in this situation?
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
The Magician
Time to tap into your magic and manifest the life you want. If something isn’t working, it’s up to you to change it. If you’re repeating negative experiences or finding yourself always drawn to the “wrong people,” finding what it is in you that attracts this will bring immense freedom. You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for, so use your natural goal-setting talents to bring forth what you are missing within yourself.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
4 of Cups
Be mindful of rumination this month and feelings of apathy, disappointment and “why bother” this month. You’re not seeing a situation clearly. Feelings of defeat are negatively affecting you, so look for that silver lining. If you’re fostering self-pity, replace it with gratitude and see how quickly your situation improves.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
The Hierophant
You’re being called to learn from the master this month. Find a coach, spiritual advisor or mentor, someone that understands practical matters and can take you to the next level of your career, love life or healing journey. Whatever you’re being called to manifest or develop, you need to seek out someone who has been there before. Let them show you the way.
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
2 of Cups
Tenderness, soulmate connections and reciprocity is going to be the theme for you. This is a beautiful time to connect to the shared vision for your future. What does your heart desire and how can you share your dream with someone you love? The feeling of being met and matched is very strong.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
King of Swords
An idea, creative project or new direction is coming through strong this month. You may find yourself more in your head, planning objectives and seeing the big picture. Allow yourself to be influenced by the energy of goal-setting and strategic thinking. You are the one who can see this endeavour through.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
6 of Swords
Last month likely brought up a lot of anxiety or conflict in your life. Now you’re moving through it, understanding the friction from another perspective and the road ahead is more peaceful. It’s time to steer your thoughts into a more positive direction now and let the past go.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
9 of Wands
December is going to challenge you to face what is necessary in your life and to cut back on what you don’t need. You’ve brought all you can to a situation and nearing the completion of this project or endeavour. Time for you to harvest the information and lessons learned so it can be a source of strength for you, not stress. The Scythe is also representative of death – knowing what needs to go and what will remain. Time to be discerning and unyielding in protecting your energy at this time.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
Wheel of Fortune
Cycles of beginning and ending, divine timing and the completion of a stage of life. You are entering an upswing where you are learning, taking in information and entering new situations feeling green and possibly unsure. Trust that this major shift in your life will bestow the experience you’ll need. Synchronistic events play a major role now, pay attention.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
We grow in capacity and understanding when we can master ourselves. This means knowing our demons and shadows intimately and keeping them out in the open. Virgos court perfectionism when progress and authenticity is called for. How can you pull off the mask and get real with your mess? If LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe – and it is – how does that change your approach?
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Page of Cups
This month will have you dropping into your heart. The page of cups evokes our vulnerability so this month will bring a major shift for you as you embrace what is true and get in touch with what you really need. See how the Page holds the spoon and analyzes what’s in her own cup? Time to decide what makes you happy. Time for YOU to come first. Make this your motto and beautiful things will unfold for you.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
The Hanged Man
You want to move forward, but “wait” is the name of the game. Things are still falling into place and something missing needs to be revealed while you float in this limbo. Trust in divine timing and allow yourself to rest and be patient, for when you do, you’ll find the thing that’s truly meant for you.
Be sure to follow me on instagram at @screamqueenb_tarot for more readings and revelations. For a personal reading visit www.screamqueenbtarot.com.